Weight: 241.1
BMI: 31.98
Only 0.2kg off the scale this morning. Not concerned. I'm about to do some measurements and calculate my body fat percentage and lean body mass. From there I can calculate my protein requirements for a day instead of guessing based on a national average like I was.
I won't get into the nitty-gritty of the calculations here, but I will post the results.
Body Fat%: 35% That means I'm carrying around 83lbs of fat...
Lean Weight: 158lbs Sounds about right. Thats the weight of bones, guts, muscles,etc.
Ideal Weight: 175lbs That's me with around 10% body fat.
Protein Req: 95g 95g is more than I have been eating...
Once you know your LBM(lean body mass) you can calculate your protein requirements based on that. I don't have a very active lifestyle, but I'm not a complete couch potatoe - I do go for bike rides a few times a week, and I don't spend all day parked on my rear. So I use 0.6 as a multiplier. 0.6 x LMB = Protein grams per day. That multiplier goes up based an an activity scale.
Sedentary: 0.5 No physical activity.
Moderately Active: 0.6 20-30min exercise 2-3x per week.
Active: 0.7 Organized activity 30+min 3-5x per week.
Very Active: 0.8 Rigorous activity over 1hr 5-7x per week.
Athlete: 0.9 Twice daily workouts 1+hrs
I think most adults probably fall into the moderately active category.
That's all I'm going to post for today. I'll keep eating healthy and I'll post up my results for next week. I'll post up any interesting recipes I try, and maybe some thoughts along the way.
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