Ok, let me begin this blog with an apology. I'm sorry I didn't start this yesterday, or when I first got the idea.
That done, I feel I owe an explanation. I am an average guy - 6 feet tall, 235lbs. Actually. I'm guessing there, I don't even have an accurate measurement on the weight. I'll take care of that tomorrow morning. I first read about the ketogenic diet some time ago, and just filed the information away. I started the diet because I'm sick and tired of the Wii Fit saying "That's obese!" So true to form, I procrastinated until I just started out of the blue. I find I actually stick with things like this better if I start out of the blue.
Really it started for me during the easter holidays - family reunions and BIG meals... you know what I'm talking about. Monday morning I ate leftover cookies for breakfast. Yeah, cookies. From out of the blue I looked at the empty bag, then down at my protruding spare tire, and I just knew it was time to begin.
After that HORRIBLE breakfast, I looked up the stuff I'd found so long ago, and I was officially dieting. Threw my wife for a loop, but she's supportive enough for now. I'm thinking she'll join me when I start shrinking.
As to what I ate yesterday:

Easier to just post it as I see it. I'm calculating everything in Excel. I'm supposed to shoot for a ratio of 4 - that's 4 times the fat as carbs and protein combined. Also, for the first week, I'm shooting for 15g of carbs, and a max of 75g of protein. An 1800 calorie budget means I have to consume 160g of fat. It's a LOT easier to say than do - I assure you. Just a note: adding olive oil to cesar dressing is GROSS. Renee's dressing is also AWESOME for this diet: packed with healthy fats, and carb free. It actually has a fat density double that of 35% whipping cream.
Yesterday was a good start, after that breakfast. I will say that I had THE most horrible BM after dinner though.
OK, so that was Day 1 - On to day 2.
I've been feeling pretty good about today. Bre
akfast was 3 scrambled eggs with 3 bacon strips crumbled in, as well as cheese and a shot of oil for higher fat. Lunch was a rather tasty burger patty (Q20 - got at walmart) loaded with cheese, and a small cesar salad. For supper it's a hot dog wrapped in lettuce and smothered in cesar dressing. It tasted better than I thought it would have. I'm also drinking pretty much however much I want of crystal light - the calories are negligible, and it really helps the sweet tooth.

As you can see, I managed to get the ratio today! Woo! came in under budget in calories and carbs too. Not bad. For tomorrow, I gotta try balancing the meals a bit more - supper felt awful light.
On a personal note - I'm a bit light headed today. I thought it was supposed to take longer to start the ketosis thing. Maybe I'm catching a bug or something.
Update: It's 10:41PM, and man, I'm hungry! Really gotta balance tomorrow better - more food for supper. Hope the scale is friendly in the morning.
Update: It's 10:41PM, and man, I'm hungry! Really gotta balance tomorrow better - more food for supper. Hope the scale is friendly in the morning.
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